Venture are chartered accountants in Lyneham. We are a team of professional and friendly accountants providing a wide range of accounting services to support you or your business, from audit and taxation to bookkeeping and payroll. Affordable solutions are focused on, and flexible to your needs. For this, we have an on-going dialogue with our clients. Our approach encourages this relationship and relies on accessibility of the key members of our team.
Christopher has a wide range of experience both in practice and industry. He specialises in business sales and acquisitions, restructuring including continuity planning and maximising profitability. Christopher is a
Director of the company.
Rebecca qualified in 2005 as a Certified Chartered Accountant and in 2009 as a Chartered Tax Advisor. Experience in local and national practices. Rebecca enjoys working with owner-managed businesses and providing high quality advice. Rebecca is an Associate Director of the company.
Karen Jones works as a consultant to Venture. Karen is a very experienced chartered accountant with a wide experience of providing focused business advice to companies both small and large.
Alison is a qualified Chartered Accountant with many years experience with SME's. Other areas of expertise include group accounts and working with clients to train and mentor their inhouse accounting team.
Charlotte is part way through her Chartered Accountancy exams, having shifted from medicine to accountancy after university. She has helped improve our Business Service offer by overseeing new team members. Charlotte enjoys country pursuits, which has led her to support clients in the agricultural and rural sector.
Georgina provides the majority of the Business Service offer. As well as a passion for accurate bookkeeping Georgina is studying and expanding her experience to cover a wider range of tax and accounting topics.
A building company had been run successfully by two brothers for a number of years. One of the brothers wanted to retire and extract the accumulated profits of £2 million, which were half held in assets and half in cash.
Venture applied the purchase of own share rules so that the retiring brother could exit the business and obtain a favourable tax treatment which was £300,000 better than paying out the accumulated funds as dividends or salary.
A manufacturing company wished to acquire a subsidiary company and Venture were engaged to finalise the acquisition based on some preliminary numbers discussed by the buyer and the seller. Discussions between Venture and the seller revealed that the original deal was not possible and that the would be subsidiary company and its owners were not in the position as originally set out. Venture provided our client with a revised summary of the situation which was acceptable and negotiated a reduction in consideration of £2.5million.
A family owned building company had been run very successfully by a father for a number of years. The company was growing significantly and inhouse systems were not fit for purpose. Venture assisted the company to improve inhouse accounting systems and restructured the business; to safeguard assets of £3.5 million and meet the challenges of the future. This allowed for the retirement of the father.
A communications company was negotiating the triannual review of its contract with its largest customer. Venture was engaged to work with the inhouse team to provide information and assist in the negotiations. This allowed our client to provide a more reasoned and robust response. This led to successful negotiations.
Our team of approachable business experts are here to work for you. Together we will tackle the hurdles of the business world so that you and your business can succeed.
Our staff have many years experience advising businesses and their owners on how to navigate the complexities of finance and taxation.
Our staff are members of; the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales, The Chartered Institute of Tax, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants and the Association of Accounting Technicians
Copyright © 2022 Venture Chartered Accountants - All Rights Reserved. Venture House Business Service Limited trading as Venture Chartered Accountants . Limited Company No. 11529576 Registered Address Venture House, Calne Road, Lyneham, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 4PP. Registered to carry on audit work in the UK by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Details about our audit registration can be viewed at for the UK, under reference number C006577453